Revolutionize Operations and Business Dynamics through Seamless SAP Migration to AWS

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Revolutionize Operations and Business Dynamics through Seamless SAP Migration to AWS

Enterprises worldwide are dedicating significant resources—efforts, time, and capital—to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving tech landscape. A pivotal aspect of this pursuit is the overhaul of SAP ecosystems through migration to AWS.

Leveraging the capabilities of AWS simplifies the deployment of SAP workloads for organizations. Migrating SAP to AWS not only facilitates the construction of resilient, secure, cloud-based digital platforms but also empowers the transformation into a contemporary, digitally intelligent enterprise. Outnovate and its partners have forged a meaningful alliance as catalysts in the realm of digital transformation.

Collectively, we deliver impactful outcomes, offering tailor-made services and solutions designed for organizations spanning diverse industries. As a rapidly advancing global SAP Services provider and recognized AWS SAP Competency, Outnovate presents specialized services, expertise, frameworks, and accelerators to smoothen and enhance your journey of migrating SAP to AWS.

With Outnovate's array of services dedicated to migrating your SAP workloads to AWS, You can be assured of

achieving a seamless migration without disrupting business operations

Experience end-to-end migration orchestration tailored to the size and complexity of your SAP landscape

Enhance IT governance through user-defined automation and zero-touch monitoring

Realize value at an accel erated pace with our design thinking-based consulting approach

Outnovate’s SAP on AWS Capabilities

Rise with SAP On AWS
SAP Disaster Recovery On AWS
Shft and lift Migration strategy
War On AWS
Highly Availability SAP Architecture On AWS
Backend Services For SAP Back Up and Restore
Automation On SAP On AWS
Custom Development

ATOM – AWS Migration Factory Program

Outnovate has launched an SAP Migration Factory Program – ATOM. ATOM guarantees rapid and seamless migration to the AWS cloud through its unique blend of skill and experience with strong multi environment expert teams.

Our SAP Migration Factory program includes

 Partner funding Program:

Partner funding Program

Outnovate offers Partner funding assistance to reduce migration costs, allowing many organizations to move to the cloud with minimal upfront costs

 Partner funding Program:


360 Degree Assessment leveraging tools, accelerators, and stakeholder interviews laying the roadmap for predictable outcomes

 Partner funding Program:

Automated Migration

Leverages Automation tools by AWS to deliver a highly automated migration that reduces risk, time, and costs.

 Partner funding Program:


Outnovate leverages scale, proven expertise, and experience to address diverse needs, ranging from lift & shift to upgrades. This empowers customers with the ability to seamlessly manage complex SAP initiatives with ease

 Partner funding Program:

Post Migration

Supporting customers with a continuously fine-tuned SAP landscape that seamlessly aligns its infrastructure, operating system, and application layer

Elevate Your Cloud Management with Outnovate

Contact us for a tailored consultation