Empower Your Organization By Harnessing the Power Of Hyper-Intelligent Automation

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Hyper Intelligent automation(HIA) is a frequently used jargon used by the IT fraternity recently.

Its adoption will bring a paradigm shift in organizational operations. However, the term is quite new and the potential is still evolving, creating ambiguity around the topic. In this write-up, we will explore the operational prowess of hyper-intelligent automation and understand how it helps in creating a symphony of workflows.

Hyper Intelligent automation is a business-driven approach that is aimed at expediting organizational tasks using advanced automated technologies. It is a sophisticated framework that combines an array of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Business Process Management, and Robotic Process Automation to streamline business processes.

The integration of these technologies can minimize human interventions and automate daily repetitive tasks such as managing financial transactions, healthcare interactions, shipping logistics, measuring manufacturing lines, and a myriad of other critical functions.

Undoubtedly the unparalleled advantages it offers have already captured the attention of industry experts and Gartner, a leading authority, has already identified Hyper intelligent automation as one of the top 10 strategic technology trends. Gartner also endorsed hyper- intelligent automation’s role in the industry by stating “Hyper Automation is rapidly shifting from an option to a condition of survival”, ranking "outdated work processes as the No. 1 workforce issue”.

Indeed, there is more to unveil in the realm of hyper-intelligent automation possibilities and how it can help you gain a competitive edge. Let us go deeper into the topic and understand the disruptive advantage of the framework.

What is hyper-intelligent automation?

The term hyper-automation was coined by Gartner in 2019. It is a relatively new but massively popular approach that accelerates daily work operations within an organization. Hyper-intelligent automation helps organizations tap into operational data and capture valuable insights effectively. Organizations leverage the power of hyper- intelligent automation to quickly identify, vet, and automate multiple manual processes using advanced tools like RPA, AI, virtual assistants, and low-code application platforms.

With the continuous and meteoric rise in the adoption of hyper-intelligent automation, the hyper-intelligent market was poised to surpass a staggering amount of $596.6 billion last year. The value shows the underscoring potential the innovative framework holds across various segments in the industry.

Hyper-intelligent automation and Automation are often interchangeably used and have the potential to decrease human intervention in business processes.

The transformative journey started with the use of steam engines to automate the textile industry, electricity, and combustion engines in the late 20th century, digitization and process automation, followed by the robotization and Internet of Things and Artificial intelligence. Hyper Intelligent automation is here to bring a paradigm shift in the IT evolution, call it the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0.

The benefits of hyper-intelligent automation can help in building fluid organizations that are very adaptive to changes. We will be unlocking the untapped opportunities of the framework in the next section.

Why the need for hyper-intelligent automation? What are the benefits of hyper-intelligent automation?

OAfter the pandemic, organizations have accelerated the adoption of hyper-automation. While digital transformation runs at the forefront of technology trends, it is expected that hyper-intelligent automation will soon be on the top. Hyper-intelligent automation mitigates the burden of repetitive processes and outdated legacy infrastructure.

Traditionally, Legacy infrastructure and manual processes usually slowed down the organization’s speed of progress. These outdated systems lead to problems such as communication gaps, human error, late deliveries, and operational efficiencies & more.

However, the introduction of automation will increase agility & the speed of these processes, and deliverables, leaving minimal chances for any error. This newfound way will provide better visibility to map business activities, automate and manage content, distribute work across multiple channels, and capture business insights.

Gartner expects that by 2024, organizations will lower operational costs by 30% by combining hyper-automation technologies with redesigned operational processes.

“The shift towards hyper-automation will be a key factor enabling enterprises to achieve operational excellence, and subsequently cost savings, in a digital-first world,” said Ms. Tornbohm.

The above information clearly states how hyper-intelligent automation will serve as a catalyst for generating actionable insights and enable organizations to make informed decisions.

To compile, the benefits of hyper-intelligent automation are:

  • Cost reductions by optimizing the distribution of the workforce. By automating the repetitive labor-intensive tasks organizations can maximize productivity.

  • A notable increase in process and data accuracy because of the consistent intelligent automated efforts.

  • A great reduction in product delivery time and thereby enhancement in overall customer experience. HIA can thereby help in improving customer experience.

  • Compliance with the regulations and industry standards adhering to legal requirements.

  • It enables organizations to respond to fluctuating market and environmental changes swiftly.

What are the elements of hyper-intelligent automation?

Some key elements of hyper-intelligent automation are:

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

    RPA is a revolutionary technology that is used to create software robots or bots capable of executing various industry-specific processes with precision. RPA offers a platform that mimics human actions and interaction thereby increasing the capacity to perform tasks 24*7. This enables organizations to deliver customer support around the clock. The automation offloads mundane tasks & frees up employees allowing them to focus on other important tasks.

  • Intelligence and Machine Learning

    By using advanced algorithms and predictive analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning assist organizations in the decision-making process. The algorithms are capable of processing and interpreting vast data sets with speed and accuracy.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing technology enables machines to understand and respond to human text and voice and respond to it similarly.

Process mining

Process mining assists organizations in unlocking and analyzing business processes to gain meaningful insights from the data.

Where to start for hyper-intelligent automation?

Implementing hyper-intelligent automation in an organization represents a significant milestone in the digital transformation journey. Organizations can follow a structured approach that encompasses several below-mentioned steps.

Challenges of Hyper-Intelligent Automation

While hyper-intelligent automation undoubtedly helps in eliminating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes with consistency, accuracy, and speed, organizations may encounter several challenges during its implementation. Organizations must be aware of these challenges and develop strategies to effectively address them

For instance,The presence of unorganized data in an organization, may not allow the effective implementation of automation. Poorly managed data makes it difficult for the technologies to interpret and process data to act upon it. Moreover, organizations might run out of qualified persons who can address automation challenges smartly. However, organizations facing such a shortage of talent can seek help from retraining programs to upskill and reskill the workforce. This will help in preparing your workforce for HIA.

Secondly, it can be difficult for the organization to choose from the vast range of marketplace products. This confuses organizations on what product to offer that will attract customers. Organizations must carefully navigate the product selection process.

Hyper Intelligent automation use cases:

Hyper Intelligent automation holds tremendous potential to drive significant benefits across various industries. Especially segments dealing with challenges related to inconsistent product quality and inefficient processes. For such cases, intelligent automation catalyzes transformation enabling organizations to improve revenue generation and gain recognition in the market..

Hyper Intelligent automation in healthcare
Intelligent automation helps in automating billing cycles, customer communication, and data collection in the healthcare segment. In healthcare where the storage of vast volumes of data is a challenge, intelligent automation by leveraging electronic health records and other digital systems, manages storage, retrieval, and analysis of patient data. The technology helps in managing drug inventory and procurement processes thereby helping healthcare professionals to optimize the treatment plans.

Hyper Intelligent automation in the supply chain
The pandemic brought about a multitude of challenges for every industry. One of the significant challenges post-pandemic was the reduced staffing levels, low efficiency, and heightened operational demand. The need for innovative solutions was vital. By using intelligent automation tools such as Robotic Process Automation, many supply chain tasks can be automated. Organizations can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as procurement, tracking inventory levels, billing, and quote requests and minimize the risk of errors. Hyper Intelligent automation thereby fosters greater collaboration opportun ities across supply chain partners.

Hyper Intelligent automation in banking and finance:
The advent of hyper-intelligent automation aims to deliver tasks with great accuracy and efficiency. By harnessing the power of advanced technologies such as AI, Machine Learning, and Robotic Process Automation, Intelligent automation provides organizations with enhanced data quality and integrity. The higher quality data not only improves the decision-making process but also enables the finance teams to provide customer support 24*7. The comprehensive solution for streamlining multiple processes and operations enhances overall productivity.

Hyper Intelligent automation in retail:
The eCommerce and retail industries provide ample opportunities for automation of the manual tasks involved in managing operations and engaging customers. With the implementation of AI, organizations can automate several tasks such as order fulfillment process, billing, inventory management, and shipping. Further, by leveraging AI-assisted hyper-intelligent automation, organizations can also manage social media, targeted email marketing, loyalty recognition, the introduction of facial recognition features, etc.

This way, automation opens up new possibilities for retailers to differentiate themselves from the competition.

Step forward towards a new future:
HIA represents a transformative approach toward task execution and operational management. At Outnovate, we understand the criticality of intelligent automation implementation and are capable of providing you with a seamless implementation solution. Outnovate can be your trusted partner to navigate through the complexities of hyper-intelligent automation.