Despite being a top priority for IT leaders, 65% of digital transformation initiatives fail. Why?

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Digital transformation is a complex and challenging journey, but it is essential for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve.

Three of the biggest challenges that IT leaders face in their digital transformation journeys are:

For example, one global MNC failed to develop a clear digital transformation strategy. They had a vague goal of "becoming more digital," but they didn't have a specific plan for how to achieve that goal. As a result, they wasted time and money on projects that didn't align with their overall business goals.

Another company struggled to get buy-in from across the organization. Their IT department was excited about digital transformation, but the other departments were resistant to change. As a result, the company's digital transformation efforts stalled.

Finally, one company failed to create a culture of innovation and experimentation. They were afraid to try new things and learn from their mistakes. As a result, they missed out on opportunities to improve their business through digital transformation.

At Outnovate, we help companies overcome these challenges with our innovation-led Digital Transformation Framework. We partner with our clients to develop and implement a strategic approach to digital transformation, and we provide the expertise and support they need to succeed.

Contact us today to learn more about how our Digital Transformation Framework can help you achieve your business goals.